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Pet Advocacy Network Logo

How we help Pet Advocacy Network

Quick Stats About Pet Advocacy Network:



Pet Health & Availability
Pet Ownership Barriers
Environmental Stewardship
Human-Animal Bond

PAN Supports

Animal welfare
Consumer choice


Small Animal

About Pet Advocacy Network

PAN is the policy voice of the responsible pet care community, advocating for pet care priorities at the local, state, federal and international levels.

How APPA Gives Back with Pet Advocacy Network

APPA has long been a supporter of the Pet Advocacy Networks's work to connect the experience and expertise of the responsible pet care community to legislative, regulatory, and governing bodies. The Pet Advocacy Network monitors over 1,500 pieces of legislation involving pets and pet ownership at the local, state, and national level annually, engaging with lawmakers and regulators to protect and promote the ability of pet businesses to provide products, services and healthy animals to pet owners and caretakers.