Law Library Articles

Information on Importing Specific Products

  • Animals: Center For Disease Control 
  • Animal Feeds, Feed Supplements, and Pre-Mixes
    • Guidelines for Importation #1122
  • Pet Chews
    • Guidelines for Importation 
    • Pet Chews Made of Antlers or Rawhide
    •  If you are bringing into the country RAWHIDE or ANTLER CHEWS, EVEN  A LIMITED NUMBER OF SAMPLES FOR DISPLAY AT GLOBAL PET EXPO you may be required to obtain a USDA VS Import Permit.
    • Here is when you may need an Import Permit for RAWHIDE:
    • If you are bringing in plain rawhide for pet chews/treats which are cut, molded or in sheets you do not need a permit. But, if the rawhide has been ground, basted, flavored, colored or otherwise processed you must obtain a USDA VS Import Permit.
    • Rawhide is defined as untanned cattle skin made into leather by dehairing, drying, liming and other processes. Products which do not meet this description, such as pork hides labeled as rawhide, also require a VS Import Permit.
    • Here is when you need an Import Permit for ANTLERS:
    • Plain, naturally shed antlers intended  for use as pet chews/ treats originated from a region free of FMD and Rinderpest are allowed to bring in their product without a VS Import Permit when accompanied by an original health certificate signed by a full-time salaried veterinarian of the agency responsible for animal health in the exporting region stating the name of the FMD/Rinderpest free country of origin of the antlers, and that the antlers are clean, dry  and free of soil, clay, sand, tissue and undried pieces of hide, flesh sinew and other related material.
    • Antlers which have been ground, powdered, or flavored, or from a region affected by FMD and antlers in Velvet must be accompanied by a VS Import Permit.
    • HOW TO GET A USDA APHIS VS IMPORT PERMIT for Rawhide or Antlers:
  • Amphibians, Fish, Reptiles, Shellfish and Aquatic Species
    • Guidelines for Importation #1104